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Armstrong settles federal whistle blower case
Last Post 05/02/2018 05:06 PM by Frederick Jones. 42 Replies.
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Cosmic Kid


04/22/2018 08:58 AM
Come back, bobswire!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


04/22/2018 08:59 AM
Oh, forgot to mention I had dinner with our old friend Bartape a few weeks ago. I still interact with him or the on another (non-bike) forum.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


04/22/2018 10:43 AM
What about that guy who lived in Texas, had a custom steel frame made and it cracked twice on him (?)


04/22/2018 10:50 AM
zoot, wasn't he the guy who put out inhuman wattage (reminding us regularly) and could break anything? Username began with a G.


04/22/2018 12:56 PM
Gurb... he's on FB as well. Teaches school in Houston


04/22/2018 01:44 PM
Ah yeah, Gurb..always ranting about "plastic bikes" and had problems with his custom made steel frame cracking on him...I wonder how he did with that all the flooding thay had in Huston...


04/22/2018 04:22 PM
Sounds like there could be an entire college course dedicated to studying the various online personalities found on the defunct Velonews forum. I miss the mostly respectful discourse. Ah, the days before Facebook!! I recall Gurb posted pictures of him 'cruising' at 34mph on his light blue steel sled and getting raked over the coals for proclaiming his mastery of 40+ mph sprints down in Houston.

Can't believe Ben actually met Ambling Rose/Aluminum Frog in real life. I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if he had been the devil himself.

That said, I really miss that forum. It was like walking into a bar that was filled with -mostly- friendly individuals that you shared a passion with and could learn so much from. Respectful discourse, helpful tech notes and general education about the world.

Going back to the whole Lance thing, I'll admit to having enjoyed listening to his Stages podcasts. It's like getting a behind-the-scenes view of a Broadway show which is what professional cycling has become. And let's be honest, always has been.


05/01/2018 08:15 PM
Haven't seen Gurb in a while but he was part of an evening "death ride' that numbered 20+ racers would reach 35+ in leadouts for sprints and would often see just how fast the group could go on a couple of stretches. He wasn't exaggerating beyond what any racer would do. It was a fast and scary ride. Old and Fat was an ex-pro who rode with LA for awhile. Seems like he got more specific as time went on and he was exactly right. I apologised on-line to him after mistakenly falling for the Lance BS and accusing him of making it up.
Cosmic Kid


05/01/2018 10:54 PM
IIRC, O&F was thought (but never confirmed) to be Jeff Evanshine, who rode with LA back on the US National squad.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


05/02/2018 10:01 AM
Does O&F make an appearance on the Slowtwitch Lavender Room under the same name, and is it the same person (Evanshine)?
Cosmic Kid


05/02/2018 10:27 AM
I don't think it is the same person....but 1) I left Slowtwitch over a year ago, and 2) I rarely went into the Lavender Room. WAY too much idiocy.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


05/02/2018 11:04 AM
idiocy squared. The place is nuts!


05/02/2018 05:06 PM
Back to the OP:
Feds are now suing Bruyneel.
Floyd got 1.1m. He owes almost half of to the 1700 folks who gave him money to fight the doping charges (Floyd Fairness Fund). So he’ll keep about 600k.
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