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Changed my mind...
Last Post 10/26/2022 12:29 PM by christopher behrens. 33 Replies.
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10/18/2022 02:47 PM
I deleted my own post - political.


10/18/2022 03:07 PM
Ah, come on. Bring it back. This place is about the only forum that I can think of that seems 'safe' and actually has really great political dialogue. Mutual respect and open minds.

It sure isn't the comments on CyclingNews or CT. There was whackadoodles on there.


10/18/2022 03:56 PM
It was a question of other's feelings about the odds of some level of civil war/violence in the U.S.

Over the past decade I have sensed a shift, and the upcoming mid-terms has me unsettled, concerned that since the R's won't accept defeat, there are many - according to polls - that feel violence is acceptable as a means to forward a political agenda.

I live in a small liberal oasis surround in each direction by hundreds of miles of conservatives. Many I know dismiss the idea of violence happening here, but I don't. We are a nice soft target for those wanting to "express" themselves.

I wondered if anyone else had these concerns, and if so, how are they dealing with them...


10/18/2022 05:29 PM
OK, here's an alternative with undeniable political angles, but mainly restores faith in humanity:
Summary/ teaser article: https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/08/us/marine-mosque-islam-blake-cec
Here's the documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPbbl1S6foM


10/18/2022 05:34 PM
Read that a few days back. Not that hopeful on a larger scale. I really want to be wrong.


10/18/2022 05:39 PM
So let's spread this little bit of extremely good news.


10/18/2022 06:44 PM
Sadly, I think we're going to see a fair bit of violence after the mid-terms and some crazy stuff in the next 2 years. Thing is, it's going to be hard to have a true civil war because the country isn't really separated by something like the Mason Dixon line. It's more rural versus urban, so difficult to draw lines between the fighting parties.
In the end, I fear the republicans are going to win because they've simply said they won't accept defeat unless they win. It's weird and dangerous behavior, and since they tend to be the ones with all the guns, we're going to be left with an autocracy. The United States as we know it will not be around in 10 years. My guess is that the western states are the first to separate themselves.
Another scary thing I was thinking of is whether Trump is given the live TV hearing with the January 6th commission. Mark my words, there will be a small army of idiots outside the capitol just waiting to go, and on live TV he'll tell all his mouthbreathing minions across the country to rise up. They'll probably take over some state capitols and there will be bloodshed once the National Guard steps in and squashes them. All in the name of some guy's raging ego.
Orange Crush


10/18/2022 07:05 PM

Posted By christopher behrens on 10/18/2022 03:56 PM
It was a question of other's feelings about the odds of some level of civil war/violence in the U.S.

Odds are high, and not just in US. The signs are everywhere. The US just has front runner status and highest profile but there are concerning trends here in Canada, and look at what the hell just happened in Sweden etc.


10/18/2022 07:43 PM
I just finished reading "American War", a 1984ish fiction of the 2nd Civil War, 2074. Absolutely chilling. The scenario portrayed doesn't seem at all like a stretch. (And more so since it was published 2017; before COVID. Before our last pres had accomplished anything. Before any of this Red stuff.

The book was on the new books shelf at Powell's; perhaps the biggest and best bookstore in the world. Author now lives in or near Portland so it may never be seen outside the area. If it is, it will be another 1984. Mark my words. It is one hell of a read
Orange Crush


10/18/2022 09:31 PM
Here’s a good factual analysis that I read a while back. Let’s call it the view from the great white north.



10/19/2022 07:57 AM
So, buckle up? Might be a good time to stock up on tires, Shimano chains and cassettes.

Thanks for the article, OC. Frightening.
Cosmic Kid


10/19/2022 09:54 AM
I think violence is all but inevitable....to what degree is still up for debate. Hell, it is already here....Jan. 6th, anyone?

As someone who studied PoliSci and History in school, I have been forcing myself to push back and look at the macrotrends across decades, not just in the scope of what has occurred since 2016....and quite frankly, it is frightening as hell.

We have become lazy and entitled as a society and feel that our democracy is a given....but in reality, it hangs by a thread. The Norms and Standards which have guarded much of it are only traditions, and once those are blown up, things get perilous.

They have already taken abortion and Social Security is next, followed by Medicare....gay marriage, gay sex and even contraception are all in the crosshairs, as well.

Most frightening are the number of GOP candidates running for lower-level, less visible positions that guard the election process. Many, many are election deniers and once we lose controls of the voting levers, we are well and truly fooked.

Happy Wednesday. 🥴

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


10/19/2022 10:10 AM
It goes to show that bullies always win. The whole "turn the other cheek" concept simply doesn't work with these people. Just like CK said, certain standards and norms are simply not followed by them, and if we choose to abide them, we lose. Remember Michelle Obama saying that if they go low, we go high. IT DOES NOT WORK! They are playing dirty and will cheat in any way they can and have zero problem with letting it be known. Like that POS running for Arizona governor. If she wins, cool. If not, she won't accept. That right there shows there is no working with them.


10/19/2022 10:55 AM
Good to know I'm not crazy in my concerns... although I wish I were.

It appears that the subject is the elephant in the room - not this room - as it's not being publicly addressed or confronted.

Had a first this past week - passed at least 50 National Guardsmen humping it down the public bike path to a park where they spread out to train on unloaded large caliber machine guns... Odd.
Orange Crush


10/19/2022 10:58 AM
That's in fact spot on 6ix and CK. It was discussed in this article, with bottom line that the right has a plan (win at all cost) but "at this supreme moment of crisis, the left has divided into warring factions completely incapable of confronting the seriousness of the moment."

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