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Did not get selected for Dirty Kanza...
Last Post 04/10/2020 08:42 AM by Cosmic Kid. 115 Replies.
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Orange Crush


05/06/2019 12:25 PM
Posted By Cosmic Kid on 05/05/2019 09:55 PM
Followed the 120 up with an 80 mile road ride....weird how an 80 mile ride can now feel "short".

That mental switch is half the training. I remember doing RAMROD (about 250 kms IIRC) ahead of Haute Route Alps; after that all of the training efforts seemed short. Hmm, I half signed up to join my friend for a ride to pick up his Vanagon in Tacoma, south of Seattle. That would make for a 280km (175 mile) day. Maybe next week, unless I can find a work excuse. Or unless we get some magic rain.


05/08/2019 07:43 PM
Meanwhile, in other gravel news:
Cosmic Kid


05/09/2019 11:39 AM
OK....I can't stop eating. I am constantly hungry right now. See tweet below for my lunch yesterday. Now, I only ate about half of that, but c'mon!


After a big breakfast this AM, I was still hungry. Ate the second half of that mac&cheese @ 10:45. Still hungry.


Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


05/09/2019 12:49 PM
That looks like a normal size lunch to me CK, haha.

(I am known as the guy who only eats pasty and who's lunch occupies half the office fridge)
Cosmic Kid


05/09/2019 01:36 PM
Was planning on three big rides over the next 3 days...60, 115, 80 (or switching the 60 & 80 milers). The 115 will be all gravel in Western IL.

But the legs are starting to feel tired....I have an forced / extended rest coming up next week while I go to Europe so was hoping to ride all the way through to next Tuesday, but may not make it. Will probably take tomorrow off and then see how I feel after the 115 on Saturday. If I can do 115, 80, 40 and 60 before I leave Tuesday, that should still leave me good and tired....then 4 days off the bike will get me recharged and I can taper.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


05/09/2019 05:44 PM
CK - good luck. Just read you're already up June 1. In my mind it was closer to when OTGG starts, third week of June. Ben and I still have some training time left.

My objective will be the Lanterne Rouge badge of honour (as long as they don't eat all the food at finish).

Unfortunately I had to say no to the 175 mile ride opportunity next week which would have cost me two work days with drive back; too busy. Oh well.
Cosmic Kid


05/10/2019 09:33 AM
Yup....getting down to crunch time for me. This week will be my last really big training week. Normally the last big block would have been next week, but that is my Euro trip, so.....had to improvise.

I am sure you will do well more than your objective....bummer about missing the 175 ride. That would have been epic!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


05/12/2019 07:16 AM
Well, I have definitely pushed myself over the edge. Was supposed to do 115 on gravel roads yesterday and I was struggling from the get-go. Lots of short, steep climbs...constant up & down. Every climb and my buddy was dropping me....didn’t help that I was over-geared, either (40 x 32).

Route was two big loops in different directions from Stockton IL....temps were only high-40’s and cloudy. Intermittent spitting rain....Was supposed to be high-50’s and it never warmed up. As we were finishing the first loop, I couldn’t even hold my buddy’s wheel on the flats (and it is normally the opposite).

Get back to the car to refuel / reload and we look at the weather map...huge green blob headed our way....that clinched it for me. I didn’t want to dig a hole I couldn’t get out of and I sure as hell didn’t want to do another 60 miles in 40’s and rain on gravel when I was already struggling.

Have 4 days completely off the bike this week (Wed - Sat)...now trying to figure out what to do until then. I’ll obviously be riding easy, but not certain how long to ride. Had wanted to push it all the way to my trip, but I overcooked it.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


05/21/2019 01:55 PM
Rode the Cycle Oregon Gravel this weekend. ~65 miles and ~5500' each day, roughly 60% gravel. Bike did just fine, I did OK and enjoyed it (but I really wanted some of those young legs that kept passing me).

But the biggest take from the weekend? Oregon gravel, dust, dirt and clay are some of the most abrasive substances on earth. Sunday was wet and we had clay everywhere. I have grit in my Phil Wood rear hub. (The Tipo front with its pack of lots of marine grease is just fine.) The BullsEye idler pulleys no longer turn. I'm still washing both the bike and fabrics.

My mind keeps playing with "do I want fenders?" I dind't envy the fendered Sunday as I listened to their grind, but now I'm thinking of the wear and $$s they'd save. A clamp on butt-saver would be good. My took bag is a mess.

Looked in a little more detail the Oregon Trail route. Impressive but I think I am up to all but the middle day as an Explorer. I think the bike is good if we don't get wet. Still debating the Paselas. Sweet this weekend. Are they going to get cut up by the bigger rocks promised?

Orange Crush


05/21/2019 09:43 PM

From videos I've seen there will be some pretty sharp volcanic rock. I am erring on side of caution on tire choice.

Oregon seems to be getting a lot of rain this year. Makes me a little worried. Going there for scenery. Why suffer if there's no views. Been a gorgeous spring here but starting to pay. Forest fire season already here.

Did a single 60 miler with close to 8000 ft elevation. Double Seymour. Easy spin on first ascent but second time up 12.5k at 7.5 percent was still a stretch given that I chose not to eat in between. Oregon will have some pretty long climbs day after day so four more weeks to make this "easy" on limited training time.

Recovery day spent on a ladder trimming one of three hedges. Not the best combo. Two more weekends of hedge work ride combo. I'll be somewhat ready for OTGG I think. Not having to work in the office will be greatest differentiator for the week.


05/21/2019 10:35 PM
OC, Oregon in a spring rain is beautiful. Best scenery of the weekend was the late miles Sunday one the plateau (not high, ~3000'). Rolling hills in all directions and incredible pastel colors. Sky of mixed grey with the sun trying to get trough here and there. Not very many rode SUnday's long ride so not many saw what we saw, but that was the take-a-way from the weekend.

I know you know this. Vancouver isn't radically different. Remember more than half of any view is mindset.

Orange Crush


05/21/2019 11:00 PM
I'm looking forward to some stinking hot desert weather Ben.

Also wondering how their snow plowing is proceeding. The high pass still had 5 feet late April.

Anyway my friends vanagon has a new engine so that's another hurdle to trip cleared.


05/21/2019 11:12 PM
When that weather happens, this state burns.

Need to get a contest going between that snowplow crew and the Italians at Gavia Pass.

Cosmic Kid


05/22/2019 09:55 AM
Sounds like OC and Ben are getting nice and tuned up....looking forward to the ride reports!!

After 4 days off the bike last week (was in Montenegro, which was VERY cool), I did 80 miles on the road bike Sunday, an easy 18 trail ride on Monday and then a trainer ride yesterday AM with a lunch trail ride. Trying to wake the legs up....will do a fair amount of volume the next few days and then start to throttle back. 10 days to go.....*gulp*

Putting finihsing touches on the bike...got a new wheelset from a buddy of mine who works with a wheel factory form Taiwan. DT240 hubs laced to 40mm carbon rims, tubeless. Chopped a fair amount of weight off the bike!!

Decided I wasn't really happy with the Vision aero bars I had put on...the shape just didn't fit how I want to grab them and the pads remove the tops as a hand position option. So I ordered a set of Profile brackets w/ flip-up pads and I will use a set of Zipp EVO 110 extensions. Brackets arrive tonight and will have them installed by tomorrow.

Also going to switch out the stock alloy bars to a set of Zipp Service Course 80 alloy bars. Biggest reason for changing is they have a 3* back sweep to the tops and a slightly flattened top section for better ergonomics. With the flip-up pads, this will give me more hand options.

Still trying to decide on gearing...my alst big gravel ride found me WAY overgeared (40x32). I don't think Kanza will have as many hills that long and steep as that ride, but I am still apprehensive. I may opt for a 11-36 cassette for some easier climbing gears.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


05/22/2019 10:27 AM
CK - are there any DK200 ride profiles? How much elevation are we talking? Curious given that you feel weight and gearing are an issue.

Some spinning gears are always good, if not for hills, to deal with sand pits or deep mud sections. I am riding 34x32, which the other week was just barely enough to get me through a loose gravel 18% grade hairpin. I figure Oregon generally won't be as steep as some of the stuff we have here in BC.

And tsk tsk on the aero bars. I know they've become a thing at DK but still.
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