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Fantasizing of new aero road bike...
Last Post 02/21/2021 06:58 AM by Nicholas Arenella. 72 Replies.
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02/03/2021 06:15 PM
Zoot - I'm now in the process of wooing my wife.

She says that it's not so much the money, but what bike am I going to get rid of to free up space. She has a point, but...
Orange Crush


02/03/2021 07:34 PM
You still deliberating?!

Just pull that trigger already.
Cosmic Kid


02/04/2021 09:56 AM
but what bike am I going to get rid of to free up space. She has a point, but...

48 out of 50 states will recognize this as grounds for an "at fault" divorce and ensure you a generous alimony from your wife.

Just sayin'....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/04/2021 10:49 AM
I bought a new bike last year and told my wife I not getting rid of any of my bikes. In the past I gave them away to deserving teenagers. But that did not go well as some of them either had drug problems and sold them for drugs or just sold them for profit. My Colnago Master X-Light is 19 years old. Seldom ride it, but I will never part with it. Of course I only have three bikes. I tend to only ride one bike. Nice to have at least one for a back up.


02/04/2021 01:51 PM
OC - I stated in my first post that I was just doing research and would not be buying in the too near future...

Almost changed that yesterday ; ) But I do quite like my wife.

Found a spot for another bike to hang. I'll sneak that fact in for her to contemplate.

Also had a friend in the industry tell me he could get me a Look of my choice for about a third off... They don't seem to be too weight conscious though I noted as I went over their different specs.
Orange Crush


02/04/2021 07:56 PM
You’re going to make me scroll back all the way to page 1?

These four pages don’t read like just research but someone gunning to pull that trigger save for perhaps the grapes of wrath from the boss at home. Hahaha.


02/05/2021 10:34 AM
When discussing a new bike I mentioned selling off one of the others and my wife asked, "Why?"

OK then!
Cosmic Kid


02/05/2021 10:47 AM
Dale married well above his pay grade.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/05/2021 11:21 AM


02/07/2021 04:08 PM
I told you, it's the researching phase ; )

Top three contenders...

Canyon Endurace CF SLX 8.0
Cervelo Caledonia 5 w/Force
3T Exploro Race w/Force
Orange Crush


02/18/2021 09:56 PM
I will add to your choices. Haven’t looked into it at all, the LBS posted this one that’s all. It seemed to match directionally what you’re lusting.



02/18/2021 10:38 PM
OC - the stack is not tall enough. I stopped ballet several years ago and can no longer press my palms to the floor, or plié...
Nick A


02/21/2021 06:58 AM
LOL, in my house, it's me who wants to get rid of "clutter", or the whole George Carlin thing, your stuff is someone else's sh!t.
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