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Did not get selected for Dirty Kanza...
Last Post 04/10/2020 08:42 AM by Cosmic Kid. 115 Replies.
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Orange Crush


05/29/2019 03:53 PM
Found the 2019 route on ridewithgps. Elevation looks well distributed over entire course and very doable. The steepest grade I can find is 6%. It won't be a factor in terms of fatigue I don't think and I actually prefer a rolling course over a complete flat course as it allows you to relax your back a little once in a while.

Looks like you have a short-cut opportunity between km 125 and 170. No cheating :-)


05/29/2019 08:14 PM
Good luck!
I've read the gearing reports, which make sense to me. Superlong rides don't allow for leisurely pacing and the gearing should match that.
Forgive me that I've missed other pertinents:
Which tires and other specialty gear have you selected? How many spare inner tubes will you carry? (or tubeless?) Pedals and shoes? Change of shorts? (consider for half way, BTDT)
Rolling paved rides can be more pleasant than pure flat, as you get a chance to coast and rest. On gravel, if it's rough, not so much.
Cosmic Kid


05/29/2019 10:09 PM
LSD, will be running Maxxis Ramblers, 700x40’s on tubeless carbon rims that actually make them seem more like a 42. Very happy w/ the wheel set-up so far. Will carry 2 tubes and have more available at the checkpoint (#1 & 3j. Full kit change and spare wheels will also be there, if needed. Those checkpoints come at ~65 and ~150 miles. In between there is only a neutral water stop.

Will start w/ 2 large bottles, 1 nutrition & 1 water. At first checkpoint will get two new large bottled, both nutrition and throw on a Camelbak w/ water. In the pack i’ll Have more powder for the water stop to fill both bottle with more nutrition. At the third checkpoint, i’ll dump the Camelbak and just go w/ 2 large bottles to get home.

Just got new Zipp Service Course 80 alloy bars, which are awesome. Flat top w/ a 3* back sweep to them. Also using Zipp Vuka EVO 110 aeroextensions attached to Profile clamps w/ flip-up pads so I can still access my tops. I figure having as many hand positions as possible is gonna be critical over 14 hours.

Oh, and I put an old school Rock Shox suspension seatpost on, which is awesome for taking the edge off.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


05/31/2019 06:36 PM
In Emporia, checked in.

Weather report is mid-80’s w/ scattered afternoon thunderstorms.

Time to embrace the suck!!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/02/2019 06:29 PM
So I did some sleuthing...going from your linked Twitter post to race number post to web results (now I know your real name haha).

Saw a first split time then nothing. Is that correct?

That first split was way fast. About 6mph faster than what would likely be my target pace.

From race report sounds like wind was major factor this year.
Cosmic Kid


06/02/2019 10:16 PM
My first ever DNF....at least voluntarily. Felt great, was riding somewhere in the top 150 or so. Could see the front of the pack and was just cruising....

About mile 28 we hit a really technical section and I decided now was the time to let the front pack go....no need to spend matches keeping up in a tough area and all my buddies were behind me, knew they were close but not right with me.

I ease up so I can see everything better, let the field go....in abiut a minute, one of my buddies is there and says everyone is right behind us. Cool.

5 minutes later he flats, so we pull over to fix it. HUGE sidewall slash so we boot it with some duct tape I had taped around my SP and get going again. One of the guys had kept going so it was 3 of us and we just set our pace and slowly work our way through others. Feeling great, no issues.

Right around mile 60, I hit a bad patch and try to take it easy on the hills...buddies wait and we get into the first checkpoint. Grab a coke, my Camelback, fresh bottles and new food. Normally a mid-rode coke is jet fuel for me....not yesterday. I tell my buddies to go ahead but they still try and wait...I finally just stop trying to catch back up to them after hills and let them go. Feel fine on the flats, but hills were a struggle....but I felt like if I just soft pedaled the hills, I could keep that easy pace all day.

Then my quads started cramping around mile 70....I have never cramped on the bike, ever. Not once. These were complete leg locks. My VMO muscles were rock hard and could barely pedal. I was just shutting down and I knew there was no way I could get through another 125 in those conditions. Pulled the plug and called for my SAG team.

My body just wasn’t ready for that ride after being so sick the week before...I was riding within myself the whole time, but my body just said “not today”.

Got picked up and went with them to the second aid stop....my buddy who flatted started struggling around 130. Got into the aid station at 150 and and had heat stroke. 90* and he wasn’t’t sweating and shivering massively. Finally called 911 as he kept getting worse. Fine now, but they had to put two bags of fluid into him at the hospital.

The heat ripped through the field like a buzzsaw...riders were taking shelter in whatever shade they could find on the road. Literally curling up in balls next to small bushes to get out of the sun...it was The Riding Dead.

I’m obviously disappointed, but there wasn’t much choice for me...I knew what my body was telling me. Feel fine now physically, just dealing with the mental and emotional let down.

Such a great event though....was an awesome vibe and riding in a field that big through gravel was really cool. But that is not an event to be taken lightly...hoping to go back next year and settle some scores.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/02/2019 11:45 PM
Nice ride report CK. Better luck next time. Heat is always fun.

That's some pace if you were riding within yourself.

Maybe I'll have a go next year. Although we did get some early tickets for a 2 week Costa Rica spring break so maybe next year I'll be lazy.
Cosmic Kid


06/03/2019 07:37 AM
Thanks, OC...part of the problem with the heat was that it has been so cool and cold here this spring that we never did any warm rides, let alone hot ones this year. Then you have to knock out 200 miles in 90* heat and you have a big challenge ahead.

But I don’t think the heat was the issue for me...it was that my body had taken such a big hit last weekend with how sick I was. I just never recovered fully, I think...I was so weak that I could barely get out of bed. Hard to go from that to riding 200 hilly miles on gravel in hot temps in less than a week.

I haven’t had a chance to analyze the data yet, but a couple people have mentioned that it seemed like my lace was fast. I felt fine and was not really pushing it, but I am gonna dig into the file today and evaluate it. It wasn’t like I was pulling or anything...just rolling in the draft, getting a free ride. Obviously some efforts on the hills but nothing too crazy....but gotta be objective and try and evaluate if that could have been a contributing factor.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/03/2019 08:43 AM
On pace...if you had maintained your placing your finishing time would have been 14.5hrs. Slightly faster than the 15hrs I think you had planned. Perhaps a little hot of a pace given your illness. Also taking into account you guys patched a tire in that section which must have cost some time.

My target pace would be 20kph which is something I typically can hold in perpetuity. That would have given a finish time of 16.5hrs give or take. Right in fat part of bell curve of finishers most likely which would be typical placing for ride like that. On heat...I had to cut off my first Seymour climb this year cause it was also the first hot day. All other double accents have been fine also in heat.
Cosmic Kid


06/03/2019 09:01 AM
So just took a quick look at the data....for the first 30 miles, I averaged 20.2 mph. Definitely faster than I anticipated for my entire ride pace, but I knew that I would be banking some time here as I sat in the draft.

For the next 35 miles to the first aid station, the three of us averaged 17.5 mph.

For the next 12 (largely alone), I averaged 12.2 mph (but also gained 1260 ft in those 12 miles). But the wheels had clearly come off at that point....

(note - all times / averages are based on riding time only, not time fixing the flat or refueling at the aid station).

I still feel like I was riding within myself for the first 60, but looking at my HR data showed me some surprises....for the first 30, I averaged 148 BPM. The next 35 was 149 and the final 12 was 150. My "all day" HR is ~130-135. Maybe I did go out too hard.....but I had also noticed in the week between being sick and DK that my HR on the bike (all easy rides) was higher than normal. Not entirely unexpected after being that sick. My "perceived effort" for the first 60 miles was certainly in line with what I expected / planned....

Maybe I did start a little hot, which contributed to my demise, but I don't think it was the primary cause. Pretty sure it was just not having recovered from being sick (and I was still coughing before the race....hell, I'm still coughing today).

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


06/03/2019 09:07 AM
Including the stops (12 minutes for the flat and 12 minutes for the first aid station), I averaged about 15.2 mph, which had I been able to keep (HAH!!), would have given me a finish time of about 13 1/2 hours.

Not an unreasonable possibility if I was feeling good, but definitely at the pointy-end of my expectations....and likely not realistic given the week prior to DK.

I made my Training Peaks file for the race public, so if anyone wants to go take a look at it, the link is below. No power on my CX bike, so just Speed, HR, Elevation and Temp.

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/03/2019 11:03 AM
Oh let's face it, you were like my kid last month with his half marathon. "Oh hey, I am running with the elites." 4 kms later, "Oh hey, I am cramping".

Youthful exuberance did you in CK. :-)

My kid (actually both of them) turned 16 today; he got up at 6 am to go for a pre-schoolday run. That's my boy. Haha.
Cosmic Kid


06/03/2019 11:17 AM
Good video from CyclingTips below....hits on a lot of the points / questions / concerns I had before DK. You can go on a 7 hour trainign ride and realize that you are only 1/2 way through the time required for DK. But it is still largely a participatory event.

Quite the paradox....

Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


06/03/2019 11:25 AM
Oh, another point....after all my tinkering around to get the "right" bar set-up, both armrest pads came off within 5 miles and I didn't notice. So I dragged around aerobars that I could never use....

Don't think I would bother with aerobars again, regardless....even though you inevitably end up on your own at some point, I think the extra weight and drag (when not in the bars) offset any gains from when you do use them.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/03/2019 12:53 PM
Just noticing that a good number of top finishers on women's side are also racing at OTGG. On the men's side, not so much.
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