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02/01/2016 06:37 PM
In the old VN forum, we used to stray to off-cycling topics in the same manner that we discussed various issues while riding (as long as we were riding at an easy pace). Today the Iowa caucuses are in progress. They may have as much significance as Ground Hog's Day tomorrow, but they're the first official measure of developments in the long ongoing presidential campaign. I can't vote in Iowa since I live in New York, but I would vote for Hillary (yes, I am a registered Democrat) over Bernie for two reasons: I have met Hillary and am tremendously impressed by her, and Bernie simply is not a Democrat. I am not in lock-step with Hillary's positions, but I prefer her approach over Bernie's (aka Larry David), and I do have a significant issue with his approach to gun safety. On the Republican side, I find the Donald, Ted, and Marco quite scary. Carly just lies. Ben ignores facts. If Christie cites 9/11 once more, I'll puke. Kaisich is the only reasonable one, but I have more disagreements with his positions (women's rights, unions) than with Hillary's. smokey


02/01/2016 07:22 PM
I prefer Bernie for the reason that he is idealistic. And the ideas he feels strongly about and pursues are mine also. He is the least political of anyone in the race - I like that. I trust that. As far as trust in a politician goes, which ain't far in todays world.

But Bernie has me excited, and hopeful. The first time in my life, and also the most concerned time in my life, as far as our country and the world's future.

Agreed on the Republican side. F*cking scary. Kasich is the only reasonable one, and his values don't coincide with mine in any way.

I keep waiting for Trump to say "just kidding - this was a social experiment to see how f#cking gullible the American electorate is, and you all are far beyond gullible."

Of course, that's my opinion ; )
Orange Crush


02/01/2016 07:41 PM
Huck - how did I put it again on my FB page...As the daily headlines show, south of the 49th there's 320 million stuck in a supersized combination of Big Brother, Survivor and the Apprentice.

The fact that Bernie is having a good run at it is cause for hope though. "Because its 2016" if you know what I mean.
Cosmic Kid


02/01/2016 09:40 PM
If this crop of candidates is the best we can do, we are well and truly fooked.

Trump is a neo-fascist con man, Cruz is a Tea Party wet dream, Hillary is more conservative than liberal and Bernie is an old man tilting at windmills.

Thankfully, my vote won't matter....IL (and its electpral votes) will go to the Dem nominee, whoever i vote for. Therefore, i'm vpting 3rd party.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/01/2016 09:55 PM
I'll take tilting at windmills over the alternatives...

Positive forward thinking has much greater overall potential in the end than the status quo and the hate/blame mongering right.
Cosmic Kid


02/01/2016 10:08 PM
If Bernie were to win, i can't imagine him getting any policies through...certsinly not with the current make-up of Congress. We will be gridlocked for 4 more years.

i admire Bernie's honesty and sincerity....i just don't think he cwn be an effectice POTUS.

The sad reality is that among the existing candidates, Hillary is the one who would be most effective in the White House....she knows how to work Capitol Hill and get things done.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Cosmic Kid


02/01/2016 10:09 PM
But at least Cruz won tonight, not Trump.

(i cwn't tell you how frighteneing that sentence is....)
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/01/2016 10:15 PM
"But at least Cruz won tonight, not Trump. "

I can't either ; )


02/02/2016 07:52 AM
"But at least Cruz won tonight, not Trump. "

In some regards I'd rather see Trump win as he's got the best shot of loosing the November election, but I hear you. It's like the choice of being mauled by a tiger or eaten by a crocodile.

I'll vote Sanders regardless if he gets the nomination... won't be the first time I've written in a name.
Cosmic Kid


02/02/2016 08:29 AM
I actually think Cruz will be easier to defeat in November than Trump. Trump is running a populist, anti-establishment campaign. That has the potential to catch fire and spread outisde of the GOP base.

Cruz's widespread appeal, IMO, is limited. He is a Tea party, evangelical candidate. i don't see how that appeals to the critical, undecided voter.

Unfortunatley, the GOP has become a joke as a national party. The party of Ike and Goldwater is long gone, hijacked forever by social conservatives and neo-cons. A true conservative could never be nominated by the GOP today....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/02/2016 08:37 AM
The pundits say Rubio and Clinton are by far the most electable, makes sense to me. Both are smart and have experience. Clinton is too facile with lies. Rubio seems reasonable but when he was governor of FL he was very tea party, inflexible and unwilling to work with the other side.


02/02/2016 09:01 AM
A big win for Bernie last night, despite the tally total.

Shows he has credibility - and we all know that so many in this country need to be told what they're buying is cool - supporting Bernie is starting to look cool.

On the right, Cruz scares me the most. Not as an opponent, but as a human being, a president. He is so far right and has no desire whatsoever to work with anyone thinking otherwise. And please, don't tell me that once he is in office he would compromise ; )

At least, despite being a despicable human being, Trump is malleable to the winds, and I could see him compromising/negotiating, but still most likely not with the best interest of this country or with the best outcome.

Yes, I LOVE Bernie.

Not ignorant to the fact that the odds are stacked against him, but he is the only one that makes me hopeful for the future.


02/02/2016 09:15 AM
More concisely, I meant to say that Bernie's showing in Iowa gives a kind of socially acceptable permission to admit your support for a candidate such as Bernie.

Cosmic Kid


02/02/2016 09:18 AM
The problem is that Trump has ZERO idea how the government works...."When I am elected President, I am going to make Apple manufacture their goods in the US".

Really? How you gonna do that, Donald?

And that is not even touching his fascist tendencies.....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!


02/02/2016 09:39 AM
He's certainly got some doozies...

And enough folks to lock stride with those doozies. Sad.
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