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Did not get selected for Dirty Kanza...
Last Post 04/10/2020 08:42 AM by Cosmic Kid. 115 Replies.
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Orange Crush


06/05/2019 03:47 PM
Looks like they'll start calling people right around time when I'll be in OR. Anyway, we'll see.
Cosmic Kid


06/05/2019 08:26 PM
Welp....that plan didn’t last long. Found out tonight that daughter #3 graduates from middle school on the 29th, so I am out. Redemption will have to wait a year.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/05/2019 08:49 PM
Middle school...oh come on CK.

We didn't do anything when ours graduated from that. This does give me pause in that next year is already busy so perhaps a year postponement might work better. Then again what better 55th bday present than a day of mild suffering.
Cosmic Kid


06/05/2019 09:17 PM
Oh, don’t get me started on the multitude of “graduations” we ave to endure these days....but it is a small sacrifice.

Oh...and the suffering is not “mild”.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


06/06/2019 11:48 AM
Alright, let's plan to convene 2021. Hopefully this forum will still be around by then for organizing.

Looking at next year I have already allocated more vacation days than I usually get between two weeks in Costa Rica, a three week family hiking vacation in BC, and a likely trip to NL for my mom's 80th. Will make 2020 a lazy year for cycling with no objectives.

2021 will be year my kids graduate from high school but I am banking on it being mid June as it is this year.
Orange Crush


01/07/2020 06:42 PM
You'd think the neutral support could have spared some duct tape for CK to tape his aero bars back on and keep going.

Cosmic Kid


01/07/2020 10:11 PM
That is all I woulda needed....
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


01/30/2020 11:15 AM
So 2021 will likely not happen.

Going to California for 2 weeks riding this fall which is taking up all spousal credits for a while. Grinduro Shasta, Levi's Growler and a lot of epic riding between those two planned.

Next year is kids graduation and even though DK200 is during exam time when strictly speaking I am not needed it is probably still better to be at home front and show support.

I've also tallied up a fairly lengthy to do list of local remote gravel rides, which will be a good target for 2021. A lot of out of cell phone reach stuff.

So most likely 2022 it is. Kids will be out of house, logistics will be easier and spousal credits should have re-accumulated.

I also signed up for Whistler Gran Fondo, which doubles as UCI GF worlds this year. A friend of mine stands good chance of becoming world champ in our mid-50s age category, he was fastest qualifier last year. I will be gunning for a really slow 5.5-6hr completion time of 122 kms, riding with his wife and my wife (her first). I may use my commuter bike to keep it interesting. Will need to get the BH bike my wife received in working order. It has a sticker from a still existing bike shop in Brussels but was bought 2nd hand by my friend's wife here in Vancouver. It went back to France for their sabbatical and now is here again. It is a very well travelled bike.
Cosmic Kid


01/30/2020 04:17 PM
Bummer about 2021, but Family First, always.....

Sounds like you have a full calendar coming up, though!!!
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
Orange Crush


04/06/2020 11:52 AM
CK - what are your thoughts on new entry process for DK? Seems that with transfers gone, it is now properly a lottery and odds of being able to ride any given year have diminished?

Not too plussed about this myself. I would at least like to see them do a weighted lottery where each year you do not get in your odds the next year improve. So with enough attempts you'd get in at some point. They did this for RAMROD. I got in the third year I entered lottery.

Anyway, this year they've moved things to mid-September. Should be good with fall colours but also less daylight so more dark riding unless you're fast enough. And of course it is still wait and see if all these events that have moved to fall are actually going to happen.
Cosmic Kid


04/10/2020 08:42 AM
Not a fan of the new entry process...especially not being able to transfer entries as you used to be able to do. The reality is that DK is an arduous event and people get injured, have pans interrupted, etc. Having the ability to transfer out and give the slot to those who really want it should be automatic.
I like the idea of a weighted lottery....I know people that have made it every year since they started a lottery and people who have never gotten selected. That is kinda ridiculous.

2 hours less daylight, I think in September. That is gonna be big factor.

Haven’t decided if I will enter the lottery in 2021....still time to decide, but a lot will depend on the COVID19 situation and the potential of a vaccine or improved treatment. My wife is high-risk because of her MS, so I need to be ultra-cautious.
Just say "NO!" to WCP!!!!
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